Colin has been
passionate about the ocean since childhood be it catching waves, freediving for crayfish or collecting fish as a 12 year old for his
saltwater marine aquarium. He regrets not having an underwater
camera to capture life on earlier travels and dive trips to the Red
Sea, South Africa's northeast coastline, the Mexican Caribbean,
California and the South China Sea.
As a dive instructor he followed his interest in the underwater world
and in 2001 he purchased his first underwater camera. His efforts were
rewarded by winning a gold medal at OCEANZ with one of his first
underwater images taken with the camera.
These days he spends little time diving for food and more time
underwater behind a lens capturing marine life in images while it
still exists. He
has found the immediate survival rate of life he captures through the lens to be
significantly higher than with his childhood attempts at preserving
life in a fish tank.
chairs SEAFANZ, an underwater photographic society of
which he is a founding member. His aim is to promote an awareness
of the underwater environment through his images
many of which are displayed on his
website, www.UnderwaterDisplay.net. He hopes to
instil in people a greater
consciousness for the importance and fragility of our oceans by
providing a moment's escape and respite from busy life. Underwater
photographic travels
outside of his home country of New Zealand have taken him to the
Galapagos Islands, the Solomons, many South Pacific destinations and
the Malay Archipelago. |